February 15, 2022
Somewhere in Rockwall, Texas, you may see an 8 ft x 20 ft cargo trailer and think nothing of it. But if you were able to take a peek inside, you would be amazed! In this 144 sq. ft. of space, Mandi and CJ operate On The Grow, a mobile microgreens farm and education/testing lab for all things microgreens. In this compact farm, they can fit up to 6 grow racks on which they can grow up to 144, 10×20 trays of Microgreens at a time. Some of their favorite greens to grow are Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage, Purple Kohlrabi, Purple Sprouting Broccoli, Nasturtium, and Black Oil Sunflower Microgreens When they aren’t growing greens, they will set up systems for edible flowers, adult greens crops or even algae cultivation.

When On the Grow began in 2019, they focused on growing greens for sale at local markets, drop-off programs, and for creating content around their microgreens passion. As their following grew exponentially, they shifted their focus from selling microgreens to using their farming as a teaching tool. They share their experiences through their website blog, hundreds of videos, and a book called ‘Becoming a Microgreen Master’. Their book has sold in over 45 countries and their YouTube channel has almost 90K followers. Video topics range from how-tos, lighting, growing media, and of course, fertilizers.

“Masterblend is one of those fertilizers that you can depend on! We’ve been happy with our results every single time that we’ve used it.”
Masterblend has been featured in some of their trials with rave reviews (find links to those below on YouTube). Mandi and CJ enjoy using Masterblend for growing leafy greens, microgreens and edible flowers. Mandi shares, “Masterblend is one of those fertilizers that you can depend on! We’ve been happy with our results every single time that we’ve used it.”
Thousands of growers around the world have started growing microgreens on their own utilizing the vast knowledge and passion CJ and Mandi have shared. What’s next? More videos, more tests, and maybe you will see them at your local market this summer.
Thanks for being Masterblend customers, Mandi & CJ. Can’t wait to see what we will learn from you next!
On the Grow Links
Web: www.onthegrow.net
Instagram: @onthegrowfarms
Facebook: @onthegrowfarms
YouTube: Click here
Links to Masterblend tests
Video #1: Watch here
Video #2: Watch here